Our President and co-founder Alex Stuart had the pleasure of attending the AICPA/CPA ESG Symposium in New York City this May. Surrounded by other accounting firms learning how businesses can integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data into the financial reporting environment. Standard Carbon was thrilled to be in the room listening to Dan Hood, Erik Asgeirsson & Lisa Simpson discuss Client Advisory. “Amazing brain trust in the room!” mentioned Alex “It’s really encouraging to hear how seriously the CFOs, regulators, lenders, and V.C.s are taking ESG. There’s a specific recognition that we have to start with climate disclosure first, and then move on to the other elements of ESG.”

From this conference, we can see that the Association of International CPA’s taking ESG seriously. Events like these with participants such as Standard Carbon can create the conversations that will set into action the improvement in climate reporting. To learn more visit: https://www.aicpa.org/topic/sustainability-esg